Monday, November 24

Embracing November Chills

We have been taking classes from the full time staff. We have learned what goes into preparing, faciliatiating, and debriefing a paintball game. We have learned about the history of River Valley Ranch. We have scratched the surface on all that was involved with RVR becoming the ministry we all love today. We got to visit WRBS and see all that was involved in a radio broadcasting. Tom Bisset shared with us encouragement for the year. For fun and learning we worked together and planned 3 day trips. The first day we went canoing. The second day we went climbing at a climbing gym. We finshed our 3 days of adventuring with a day hike on the Appalachian Trails with the whole Bonawitz family. November has been a time to really enjoy one and another change of season after the intense month of October.