It was a long and busy month of October for us interns. To celebrate surviving our first retreat season Matt planed a trip for us. Our first official GPS trip took us to Gettysburg, PA. A friend of Matt's father was generous enough to offer his cabin to us for a few days. So on Monday afternoon Matt, Michelle, Lilah and the six interns loaded up the van and the Merson's Subaru and headed to the mountains. The weather was great for our get away, and the scenery was beautiful. We had a great time relaxing, sleeping, eating, hiking, watching movies and playing games.

On Tuesday afternoon we drove up the road to Devil's Den and climbed, jumped and played on the big rocks. We also visited the Gettysburg outlets. We took several hikes looking for the A.T. that was somewhere behind the cabin and still aren't sure if we were ever on it. Our trip also contained several games of Settlers of Catan, a board game that seems to have become a quick favorite with the interns. We taught Matt how to play and I think it is safe to say that by the end of the trip he was successfully hooked on it. We were all having such a great time that when Wednesday evening rolled around we all couldn't believe it was time to head back to the ranch. But after a few days of "vacation" we are all ready to get back to work.

Until next time,
Sarah Brenneman
RVR Intern
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