as the interns have returned from spring break, warm weather has returned to the ranch. spring is here and with that said so are many new and upcoming changes!
with the ending of winter meltdown, we have returned to hosting retreats and planing for summer. outdoor education will also be returning in full gear in the near future! in the past few weeks we have deep cleaned all of frontier town, gone on a recruiting trip (girls), had our first open house, completed some planing for the spring trip, and had a week off for Easter.
being an intern comes with many positives. one of them being that we are
privileged to have a 5 day trip to anywhere of our choice. we are in charge of every detail of the trip including schedules, cooking, gathering supplies, finding directions, managing money, and much more. as a group we have chosen to take our trip to Assateague, Md on the Assateague National Seashore. Our last day and a half will be spent in Great Falls, Va camping and rock climbing. we have chosen to go to multiple locations so that we can all have an opportunity to do what we would like on a camping trip. while down at Assateague we will be canoing into our camping site. that means miles and miles of canoing! how exciting! we will have the chance to see wild horses, go to the beach by foot, and canoe to the pirate islands to have a picnic. :) in Great Falls, we will have the opportunity to boulder and top rope! most of us enjoy climbing and are excited to see how well we can do! if you ask me what i am most excited about, it is the fact we will be camping on a beautiful peninsula with some great friends! another highlight of the trip is the fact that we have budgeted so well that we have enough money to make a delightful pit stop at an outback before we return to the ranch. who would want to pass up a juicy steak!? :)
as ryan last wrote, time really does fly. we have almost been interns for a full 8 months. that leaves 4 months left of our time here at the ranch as an intern. the majority of the time left will be spent in our summer jobs. we have all now decided, with the help of full-time staff, where we will be working this summer. Sarah will be a Fort Roller counselor and she will be in charge of our new Super Sleuth program for girls! she is working away on planning out some pretty cool adventures for her girls. Ryan will be a ropes wrangler and will also act as an assistant to Zack who is our adventure camp program director. LaDessa is going to be the dinning room TNT crew chief. she will be in charge of about 8 girls for 4 weeks at a time. she has the opportunity to be an example to these girls as well as disciple them to be more like Christ. Taco is the program director of the whole TNT program. he will be brad's right hand man throughout the rest of the spring and summer helping him prepare for an awesome program. Bill is going to be the chef of Fort Roller! that's right, not an assistant chef, but the actual chef of fort roller. way to go Bill. he will be cooking for sarah and i, plus a lot of others, this whole summer. :) lastly, i will be the program director of fort roller classic camp. i will be matt's assistant in making sure the summer runs smoothly and that the program is as best as it can be for fort roller. it will be an exciting summer for us interns, as we are all involved in different positions... :)
we have grown so much as individuals and as a group during our year as interns. we have been so blessed to take part in many of the happenings around here at the ranch. i know that the other interns and i are so thankful for the experience and the lessons learned we are receiving. most of us don't have set plans for after the summer. we trust that the Lord will open doors and show us the way. please be in prayer for us as we continue to seek the Lord and find out what He has in store for us next. for some of us, it will be our first big step into the work world. Lord, prepare us for what is next. give us the skills and heart to finish well in where you have placed us. continue to provide for us as you so faithfully have for our whole lives. may we be living lights to your love and your word no matter where we end up next. Amen.
along the journey,