Friday, December 22

Intern Winter Photo

Here's a picture of all the interns (and Chad). We got all gussied up and went down to Little Italy where Mr. Tom bought us all Lunch. It was a great Christmas present. Thanks Mr. Tom.

Wednesday, December 13

Tight Jeans Contest

Me and Chadley P having a tight jeans contest.... .... yep I won.

Monday, November 27

James tearing it up on the mini-ramp in the X-barn.

Sunday, November 12

5 Days on the side of a lake - What could be better?

Click for more pics
We had a great trip camping out on the side of sleepy creek lake in W.V. - We camped out for 5 days and had great meals, played fun games, set out jug lines and caught catfish, and learned how to survive in three days of rain!

Sunday, October 29

On the Street Park

Mama! I'm goin fast!

Saturday, October 21

Corn Maize

Working hard on one of the Sat. corn maize weekends - looking like a cowgirl and pocahontas?

Thursday, October 12

All girl trip to Impact At Ocean City

Hey it's all part of the job - I mean hey if you have to go to the beach then I guess we might as well make the most!

Friday, July 14

Chinny Chinny Bang Bang

Summer 06 Street Park - Can you say ouch?

Sunday, April 16

Spring Adventure Trip - 5 Days 55miles on the Potomac River in Western Maryland

Getting ready for a little fly fishing?

This is why we told you not to throw the rock out of the cold river into the fire!

West Virginia Mountain Momma Take Me Home

Big Gavin says - "this is the life"

Tuesday, March 21

Spring Service Trip

Trip to 3 Springs Ministries - what a chilled time we were really able to slow down and focus